How to choose the right soundbar for your needs Complete Guide

Are you looking to upgrade your home theatre system but don’t know where to start? You can get amazing quality sound without breaking the bank with a soundbar. This guide will take you through the ins and outs of picking the right one for your space and needs. Get ready to experience a whole new world of audio!

The right soundbar can transform your television watching experience – adding depth and an immersive cinematic atmosphere. With so many great soundbars available on the market today, it can be hard to choose the one that’s best for you. That’s why we’ve put together this guide – to help you assess your needs and determine which soundbars will work best for your specific set-up.

In part I of this guide, we’ll provide an overview of soundbar basics – from design features to speaker configurations. We’ll also discuss the different features you might want to consider, such as multi-room setup options, voice assistants, and more. Finally, we’ll take a look at audio formats and explain which ones are right for you depending on your device setup or preferences. So whether you’re just starting out shopping for a soundbar or have a particular set of criteria in mind already, this guide has all the information you need to find the perfect fit for your audio needs!

Explanation of what a soundbar is

A soundbar is a type of speaker system designed to create sound experiences similar to those of home theater systems, but with less bulk and complex hardware. They are typically one or two-piece systems that sit directly below or above your TV and provide bigger, better sound than the speakers built into your television.

Soundbars also come at varying levels of complexity – some are extremely simple, with just one speaker for increased clarity and bass output; others have several speakers and wireless technology like Bluetooth for multi-room audio experiences. Most are available in a variety of sizes to fit your room, no matter its size.

Importance of choosing the right soundbar

Choosing the right soundbar can be an overwhelming experience. You need to take into account several factors, such as your speaker type, speaker size, power handling abilities and connectivity options. All of these will influence the quality and overall performance of your soundbar system.

When considering soundbars, there are two primary categories: active soundbars and passive soundbars. Active soundbars are amplifiers with built-in speakers which contain their own electronics and power source. This means you’ll only need to connect a small number of cables for setup. In comparison, passive soundbars require additional components such as receivers or amps for operation.

When selecting a soundbar, it’s important to factor in your room size as this will affect the coverage and amplification of the speakers included in the package. Consider also what types of music & movies you plan on listening to; reference level audio (movies) is going to require more powerful speakers than one would use for music playback alone. Having a thorough understanding of these concepts is critical when picking out an optimal solution that meets your needs.

Overview of the guide

This comprehensive guide will provide you with an overview of the different types of soundbars available, as well as how to choose the right one for your specific needs.

In this guide, we will discuss the various features and specifications to consider when purchasing a soundbar; including soundbar size and type, power ratings, connectors and connectivity options, included audio codecs, room size considerations and more. You’ll also learn about accessory items that may be required or optional depending on your setup configuration.

Finally, we’ll provide a summary of soundbar expert recommendations to simplify the process. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to make an informed decision when selecting your next soundbar for home theater use or music purposes.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Soundbar

When selecting the right soundbar for your space, there are numerous factors to consider. The goal is to find a balance between excellent sound quality, convenience, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. In this section of the guide we will discuss some of the important features you should consider when comparing different types of soundbars.

  1. Size and Number of Speakers: The soundbar’s size is an important consideration for those with limited space. Most products come in a range of sizes from small to large, which determine the amount of power it can output as well as how wide its soundstage will be. The number of speakers contained within each soundbar also plays an important role in this – typically more speakers mean a wider soundstage which better envelops you into your content.
  2. Connectivity Options: You should ensure that any time bar you purchase has enough ports to handle all of your current peripheral devices as well as any new ones that may be added in the future. Make sure all necessary cables are included for connection and that bluetooth connectivity is available for wireless pairing with compatible devices such as phones or tablets.
  3. Subwoofer Compatibility: Although most modern technology bars come equipped with built-in subwoofers (which provide additional bass), others may require an external one for added depth and power if desired – it is important to ascertain if this compatibility exists prior to making your final purchase decision .

4 . Adjustability & Configuration Options: Features such as adjustable equalizers and multiple preset modes give users more control over their individual listening experience and make getting the best possible audio quality much more achievable than ever before; look out for such features when comparing different models on offer within your budget parameters.

Audio Quality

The audio quality of the soundbar you choose should be one of the most important factors in your decision. Soundbars typically produce sound output ranging from 30W to 300W, so it’s important to consider how much power you need in order to fill your room with sound.

It’s also important to pay attention to the frequency range, as this will give you an indication of how powerful and accurate the range of sounds produced by the soundbar are likely to be. Most soundbars today come equipped with technologies such as Dolby Atmos or Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound technology which can provide a more immersive experience when playing movies or music.

In addition, some models include features such as Bluetooth streaming which can allow you to wirelessly stream audio content from any compatible device like a smartphone or tablet.


When selecting a soundbar, one important factor to consider is how many channels the product offers. A channel is how many audio channels, or distinct sound sources, the device can process at once. The most common soundbar configurations are 1-channel (mono) and 2-channel (stereo).

For example, a 1-channel configuration will play all sounds through one single speaker behind the TV screen. This sound won’t be very precise or directional, resulting in a flat and dull listening experience.

On the other hand, 2-channel stereo systems use two speakers placed right and left of your TV screen to create a more immersive audio experience by creating an accurate sense of space and distance. This setup offers substantially better clarity and directional focus on vocals and music compared to 1-channel setups.

Most newer soundbars offer higher channel counts for improved audio quality. As such, if you are serious about audio quality then it is best to aim for 3-channels as a minimum. Higher channel count systems such as 5-channels will offer even greater directionality but be sure to find out what your room size can support before opting for anything with too many speakers—larger spaces require more power which can make these kinds of systems pricey!

Soundbar size

The size of the soundbar should be considered relative to the size of the room where it will be used. Smaller and mid-size soundbars can easily fit in living rooms and bedrooms, while larger soundbars may work better in larger rooms. It is generally recommended that the length of a soundbar should not exceed the length of your television screen.

You should also keep in mind that certain audio features like 3D surround sound usually only works properly with larger models. To get an immersive experience, a subwoofer or additional satellite speakers are beneficial for enhancing higher frequencies.

Additionally, depending on where you plan to mount your soundbar, you may need a longer unit if hanging it from/in a corner or above/below your television. Taking measurements is essential to make sure there is enough clearance between your furniture and other objects in your space for proper installation of your new soundbar system.

Soundbar design

The design of a soundbar system is critically important. It will determine how it sounds, how easy it is to use and even how the soundbar looks in your room. Soundbars come in a variety of styles and can fit into different home decorating schemes:

-Simple bar-style designs offer an unobtrusive design that easily fits into existing living rooms and can be mounted on walls or hung on stands.

-Homes with limited floor space may benefit from sleek, low-profile soundbars with built-in subwoofers that tuck away out of sight but still deliver immersive audio to your room.

-Premium soundbars often feature modern aesthetics and can be custom tailored to match a specific decorating style. These devices may also include additional audio features such as Dolby Atmos or advanced multiroom audio capabilities.

When choosing a design for your soundbar, look for one that fits well within the aesthetics of your home and provides features necessary for the best possible listening experience.

III. Soundbar Placement and Installation

Once you’ve chosen the right soundbar for your set up, the next step is to properly install and position it to get the best sound quality. This process may be different depending on whether you’re mounting the bar on a wall or installing it in a cabinet.

Wall Mounting – If you choose to wall mount your soundbar, be sure that your mounting surface is made of sturdy material like wood or drywall and that it can support the weight of the soundbar. Measure twice and follow installation instructions carefully so that you don’t damage either your wall or your unit. Wall mounting also adds excitement to any environment as heighten speakers make for better sound dispersal.

In-Cabinet Installation – This type of installation requires very little additional work beyond properly placing of wires and making sure all ports are secure. The placement should also allow for stereo effects as well as directional speakers if present. When placing a unit in a cabinet, make sure it has enough space around it so air circulation isn’t blocked and that none of its ports are blocked or covered. Also make sure you check the cabinet depth before buying a soundbar, since longer units won’t fit in all cabinets.

Once everything is securely in place, turn on the system with all devices connected and adjust volume levels if needed during playback. Make sure that bits with punch–such as music or explosions–still have clarity at various listening angles from both sitting spots and further away from the soundbar itself by adjusting speaker angles accordingly if needed— this could give you an enhanced surround-sound feel especially if more than two channels are present in certain models.

Placement options

When selecting a soundbar, it’s important to consider where you would like to place it in your living space. Depending on the size of your room and the layout of other furniture, there are several options for placing a soundbar.

Placing the soundbar below your TV on a shelf or TV console can provide an aesthetically pleasing look, as well as enough power to fill most medium spaces. This placement is ideal if your TV hangs above a mantel, entertainment cabinet, or other low-profile pieces of furniture.

Wall-mounting the soundbar is another option that can add more definition and clarity to your audio while taking up minimal space. By mounting the sound bar flush against the wall, you will get stereo imaging right above or below your TV set instead of all around the room. This option works best in larger spaces that may have more than one listener seated close together.

If none of these options are available for you based on the size and layout of your space, then you can also consider a separate stand-alone speaker system which allows for multiple speakers spread throughout different areas of the room for optimal listening experience.

Wall mounting

Wall mounting your soundbar is the simplest and most popular way to setup audio in any room. Soundbars are small and relatively lightweight, so they can be easily mounted on the wall without too much trouble.

Generally speaking, you should not mount the soundbar higher than eye level, as this can make it difficult to view your TV or movie screen. Wall mounting brackets are available, but many soundbars come with their own brackets built-in.

When mounting your soundbar, be sure to use approved wall fixtures for secure mounting. Additionally, check that there is enough space around the edges of your soundbar for attaching additional hardware if necessary, such as extra speakers or even a subwoofer.

Placing on a table

The issue of how to place a soundbar on a tabletop is a matter of personal preferences, yet there are few techniques that are suitable for this purpose. When placing a soundbar on a table, make sure to consider the speaker placement in relation to other pieces of furniture and wall surfaces, as this positioning can affect the overall listening experience.

You may choose to position the soundbar directly onto the tabletop. This placement option is perfect for those who want an immersive surround-sound effect since it ensures that all audio waves are pointed in one direction. Depending on your room’s layout, opt for an appropriate angle when positioning the soundbar for maximum coverage in your space.

Alternatively, some may choose to mount their soundbars onto walls or corners so as to be heard from just one location and minimize side reflections from room surfaces. This setup allows you to achieve an intense level of focus while enjoying your audio content without any distractions and interference caused by reflections or reverberations off nearby objects.


When shopping for sound bars, the key is to determine exactly what you need in terms of performance and features. You may want to consider size, design, and compatibility with your existing audio equipment and other devices. Many different sound bars are available in a variety of price ranges, so you’ll be sure to find one that fits your budget and meets your needs.

When deciding which sound bar is right for you, look at features such as power output and sound field simulation technology. Also consider placement options such as wall-mounting or positioning on a shelf or stand. Finally, pay attention to warranty information before making the purchase.

With careful research and comparison shopping, you can find the perfect sound bar that meets all of your requirements!


How do I choose the right size soundbar for my room? 

The size of the soundbar you should choose depends on the size of your room. Measure the width of your TV and then choose a soundbar that is either the same size or smaller.

What type of sound bar do I need? 

The type of soundbar you need depends on your audio preferences and requirements. Some popular types include basic soundbars, soundbars with subwoofers, and soundbars with surround sound capabilities.

Do I need a 2.1 or 5.1 soundbar?

 If you want a basic sound upgrade, a 2.1 soundbar is usually sufficient. If you want a more immersive audio experience, a 5.1 soundbar may be more appropriate.

How many watts is a good sound bar? 

A good soundbar should have at least 50 watts of power. However, the amount of power you need depends on the size of your room and your audio preferences.

Is the a big difference between 2.1 and 3.1 sound bar? 

The main difference between a 2.1 and 3.1 soundbar is that the latter has a center channel speaker, which can improve dialogue clarity.

What size sound bar for 50 inch TV? 

A soundbar that is around 40-45 inches in width is generally recommended for a 50 inch TV.

What is the difference between 5.1 and 5.1 2 soundbar? 

A 5.1.2 soundbar has two additional upward-firing speakers that can create a more immersive, three-dimensional audio experience.

Does room size matter for soundbar? 

Yes, the size of your room can affect the performance of your soundbar. A larger room may require a more powerful soundbar or additional speakers to provide adequate sound coverage.

Which is better JBL or Sony soundbar? 

Both JBL and Sony are reputable brands with high-quality soundbars. The best option for you depends on your personal preferences and budget.

Is Dolby Atmos worth it? 

Dolby Atmos can provide a more immersive, three-dimensional audio experience, especially for movies and games. However, it may not be necessary for everyone and can come at an additional cost.

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